6 Quotes & Sayings By Dominic Smith

Author, artist and performance poet Dominic Smith was born in 1969 in Wales. He studied English Literature at Southampton University and then became a teacher of English Literature and Creative Writing. In 1992 he began recording his poetry as a solo performer which has led to numerous releases, including an album with John Cale, the critically-acclaimed 'In The Deep', and 'In The Deep II' (with Charles Hayward). In 2005 Smith was selected for the Nottingham Poetry Trail, a national tour of poetry performances, and in the same year he received a commission from London's Southbank Centre to create a piece for their annual series of live music events – 'Live at the Southbank' Read more

His poem 'The Full Moon' was commissioned for an event marking the arrival of Apollo 11 to the Moon on 20 July 1969. He also collaborated with various artists on two albums: 'The Other Side Of The Moon' (with John Cale) and 'Venus & Jupiter' (with The Haxan Cloak). Smith is one of those rare artists capable of capturing the spirit of the moment through song and words and has been described as "one of Britain's finest living songwriters".

The forger was too exacting, too superficial. Only the real artist has the false beginning. Dominic Smith
But everything is how it should be. How's that for wisdom? Dominic Smith
There are pockets of time, she thinks, where every sense rings like a bell, where the world brims with fleeting grace. Dominic Smith
We're conduits for the universe's desire to think about itself. Dominic Smith
Old age is having the name of a chiropractor in your wallet. It's cutting out coupons for the zeal of discounted small items and the practice of fine motor skills. Dominic Smith